In ”Radio English Conversation” a lot of useful expressions, ways of speaking are introoduced every day, so it's difficult to memorize all of them.Now I'm trying to pick up some remarble expressions out of those ones.1.I’m really pressed for time right now. <時間がない>(1/19)2.I'm really pressed for money at the momment.<お金がない>(1/22)3.Your argument just doesn't hold water.<通用しない>(1/21)4.Do you think I was born yesterday?<私は何も知らない子どもだ>(1/21)5.I take your point, but I think you've misunderstood what I meant. <あなたのいいたいことはわかります>(1/20)6.I agree with you up to a point, but I think you're missing the bigger picture. <ある程度までは同意します/大局>(1/20) ※おかしな英語覚悟で英文日記を書いています。