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英語5分間トレーニング 徹底活用学習ブログ

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びっくりWhat do you recall when you hear the word "The Seven Wonders of the World"?
Great Pyramid of Giz? Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
Actually, they're called "The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World".

And if you recall Great Wall of China or Leaning Tower of Pisa, they're categorized as "The Seven Wonders of the Medieval World".

Now you can imagine that we have "The Seven Wonders of the Modern World", "The Seven Wonders of the Natural World" and so on.

Which do you like better, "The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" or "The Seven Wonders of the Modern World"?

I prefer "The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" because I'm interested in history. So when I see these pictures, I can feel the certain existence of the people and it makes me excited.

ヘッドホンThey are what we were talking at my first time englishtown live lesson.

At the end of the class, we were given 3 questions. We didn't need to answere all of them, but we chose one and answered it with a reason.

I chose the question; "Is there anything in your country that could be a wonder of the world?”

Well, well, do we have something in Japan we can introduce to the world as a wonder?

Oh, yeah!! We have!

Next time, I'll try to summarize on the blog what I told them in the lesson.

王冠 イングリッシュタウンの初ライブレッスントピックは「世界七不思議」でした。私は歴史が好きなのでピラミッドやバビロン空中庭園などの話は好きです。古代の息吹を感じますね~。

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Last updated  2007.02.09 10:42:12
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