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雪Last evening, I was on the chat line of Englishtown with one woman. She was from Finland.

Speaking of Finland, my only knowledge is that it has much snow in winter and that it's very cold country. I didn't know they can swim in summer in Finland. So I asked her some questions, which sounded very queer to her, from my ignorance. But she spared me some time to talk, though she said she had some work to do.

And I knew Finland is very famous for auroras.

Auroras!! Wow! Sounds amazing to me!

And she said auroras are not special in Finland. They can see them quite often. In fact, she said she'd seen them many times. And auroras are more beautiful to see in a northren part of Finland.
How lucky she is that she can see beautiful auroras so often!

Thanks for her, I could spend very interesting time and I was glad to get to know that Finland is famous for not only its coldness but other things such as auroras.

This is a website she taught me. She lives in this city, Kemi, which is near the border with Sweden.

びっくりOn the chat line of Englishtown, I can talk with many people from various countries. Yes, they are from much more various countries than I've expected! So sometimes I have few knowledge about their countries and I may ask them queer questions like this time.
I'm very happy to know about their countries and the people living there through this Englishtown.

富士山イングリッシュタウンのチャットでフィンランドの女性と一緒になりました。フィンランドといえば、雪がいっぱいあってすごく寒いんだろうということしか知りません。まさか夏には泳げるなんて! 無知ゆえに、私、ずいぶん変な質問を彼女にしました。


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Last updated  2007.02.15 21:48:13
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