先日、ふと新聞をみていると紅白歌合戦の出演者一覧が載っていました う~~ん… わからない人が多いなぁ…もともとそこまで歌に興味が無かったのですが子供が生まれてから さらに疎くなってしまいました… (その代わり、いろんな童謡を歌えるようになりました…) この前の夜 たまたま見ていたテレビで『スキマスイッチ』というグループ(コンビ?)が出ていました(初めて見ました)すごいアフロだなぁ どうやって髪洗うんだろぅ と見ていると『全力少年』という歌を歌っていました思わず聞き入ってしまい 久しぶりにCDを買おうかと思ってしまいました~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~先日の日記でジェムザールの発疹について書きましたが予防法については 英文の文献に載っていたのですがいかんせん、横文字が苦手なTomは読み間違いをしていたようです『抗ヒスタミン薬(アレルギーの薬)やステロイドを予防的に使用することで 発現の予防や症状を軽度に抑える事が出来た といった報告もあります』の部分は『治療としては抗ヒスタミン薬の内服やステロイド外用薬(軟膏など)が有効。 ジェムザール投与日から3日間 抗ヒスタミン薬を内服することで 発疹を予防したり、軽度に抑えることが出来る』の方が正しいようです(まだ、読み間違いかも知れませんが…)その根拠となった文献は これです (所々タイプミスがあるので、ご了承くださいね)Maculopapular rashes secondary to gemcitabine injection for non-small cell lung cancer.To the editor: gemcitabine is a nucleoside analog with confirmed activity against several solid tumors, including non-small cell lung cancer. We conducted a phase 2 randomized study of GEM or the combination of cispulatin and etoposide in inoperable NSCLC.In the GEM group. GEM 1250mg/m2 was given as a 30 minute intravenous (IV) infusion on days 1,8,and 15 of each 28day cycle. Nineteen patients have been enrolled in the GEM group. Of them, six (32%) developed a skin rash after treatment. Serum immunoglobulin(Ig)E and peripheral blood eosinophil count of all patients were determined and all showed within the normal range. The skin rashes were all maculopapular in type, and were confluent, itching, and of centripetal distribution. The rashes involved the chest and abdominal wall, upper arms, and thighs, and in one patient, it was also found on the scalp, mostly occurring 24 to 72 hours after the first dose of GEM injection: however, in one unusual patient, it occurred only on the second course of treatment. In general, the rash subsided or diminished in severity within 72 to 96 hours, even without treatment. However, it reappeared and was exacerbated with earlier onset, involving an even more extensive skin area, most often within 24 hours on repeat challenge with GEM. The skin lesions could be easily managed with oral antihistamine and topical corticosteroid treatment. Low dose prednisolone (0.5mg/kg) is rarely needed to treat the skin rash. Oral antihistamine for 3 days after GEM injection seemed to prevent reappearance of the skin rash or diminish; it’s severity. After 1 to 2 cycles of continuous treatment with GEM, the skin rash of all six patients resolved spontaneously without special treatment or pre medication, and there was no need for further management or prevention. The characteristics and management of the itchy maculopapular rash induced by GEM has not been previously reported. It can be distinguished from that induced by cytarabine, also a nucleoside analog, which can induce acral erythema or neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis.We conclude that skin rash occurs frequently after GEM treatment in the Chinese patient, can be easily managed, and resolves spontaneously without any sequelae and no recrudescence. To our knowledge, this phenomenon has not been emphasized or mentioned by other investigators.治療に関する部分をYahooの翻訳で訳してみると (自分が訳すより きっと正確)The skin lesions could be easily managed with oral antihistamine and topical corticosteroid treatment. 皮膚障害は、経口抗ヒスタミン剤と局所副腎皮質ステロイド治療で簡単に管理されることができました。 Low dose prednisolone (0.5mg/kg) is rarely needed to treat the skin rash. 低用量プレドニゾロン(0.5mg/kg)は、めったに、皮膚発疹を治療するために必要ではありません。 Oral antihistamine for 3 days after GEM injection seemed to prevent reappearance of the skin rash or diminish;it’s severity. GEM注射の後の3日間の経口抗ヒスタミン剤は皮膚発疹の再来を防ぐか、ひどさを減少するようでした多分、大筋では間違っていないはず(たぶん…)英語が得意な方がいたら、Help me です