Our company is being ・・・
メルマガ:英検1級合格マラソン~語彙編~今日の問題(2009/2/15号)2448Our company is being ( ) with email viruses, but we have yet to suffer any serious problems because the people working here wouldn’t contemplate opening any suspicious attachments.There are 4 options as follows, 1. vaporized2. hauled3. bombarded4. affiliatedbut before checking them up, let me see the word ‘contemplate ’.I used to know this word, but I cannot tell what it exactly means...According to the Longman English - English dictionary ONLINE, it means to think about something that you might do in the future [= consider].OK, now let’s check the options as usual.1. vaporized (=evaporate)This word has something to with moisture. I know this. Therefore, this is Not the answer.Longman says, vaporize = to change into a vapor, or to make something, especially a liquid, do this.2. hauled (=lug)I do not know this one…Longman says, haul = to pull something heavy with a continuous steady movement3. bombarded: YES, this is the answer!!!Longman says, bombard = to attack a place for a long time using large weapons, bombs etc4. affiliatedI do know this one.