自分はこれらの教材を使って3年以上になるかな、 けっこう役にたっているので、お勧めです^^ Today I'd like to inform you about some English materials. I've studied English for 3 years since I found these materials. I think that these are good. I recommend it.^^ -No,1- [つかえる英会話] You can download the mp3 data. If you try to listen to this dialogue every day, your listening skill will improve.^^ But if you want to listen to American English, I can't recommend it. Sometimes they use British accent. -No,2- [時間のないあなたに!即効TOEIC250点UP] It's cool! I study English grammar from this text. -No,3- [毎日1分!英字新聞] This is a good spice for me ^^ -No,4- [気楽に英語表現+繰り返し英熟語] I need this....I must study.... -No,5- [英語をやさしい例文で!意味から覚える英単] When I'm tired of studying English, I read this for my English grammar. -No,6- [話す英文法で生きた英会話] Oh,, Recently I haven't read it, but it is good. -No.7- [TOEICリスニング・リーディング特効薬!] This is so difficult.But I try to listen to it... You might need this, before you go abroad.******************************** -N0,777- [pronunciation] The pronunciation is very important.... Cool !!!*************************************************************** -No,999- [セクシー心理学!] This is so funny. When I'm so exhausted, I read this. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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