Halloween is over!
I had a party with kids yesterday and the day before. I enjoyed both the preparation and the parties. How many times did we throw the dice last month? The dice had 6 Halloween characters on the each side. The kids threw it with the chants, "Trick or treat, trick or treat, Happy Halloween! Boom!" They loved it and did the actions of each characters. They said that pretty clearly when they went trick or treating. What I liked the most was making Witch's Brew. I set goodies at the bottom of the big pot and covered it with a towel beforehand. I gave the kids some cards which were potatoes, carrots, an octopus, a slug, and even a Christmas tree! I told them those were the ingredients. They put their card into the pot and moved on some other activities. When my pendant started blinking, the Witch's Brew was almost ready. The finishing was "Trick or treat, trick or treat, Happy Halloween!" The brew turned into lots of goodies!! ハロウィーンが終わっちゃいました~。お祭り騒ぎが好きな私はちょっと淋しい、、。それにしても一体何回、"Trick or treat, trick or treat, Happy Halloween!"と言ったんだろう?子どもたちも覚えてくれて2歳の子もお菓子をもらいに来たときはちゃんと言ってました。素晴らしき原動力、お菓子。来年は"Trick or treat, trick or treat, give me something good to eat!"にレベルアップできちゃうかしら?私自身はWitch's Brewが楽しくって♪ 夏に扱っていた単語、カレーの材料やタコ、ナメクジ、眼玉をカードにして鍋に入れてもらい、まぜまぜ。ところがフタを開けてみたらお菓子が出てきた!うわぁー、なんでー?と単純に目を輝かせてくれるのが幼児さん。しあわせ♪<最近のぶるふぁいの英語>Picture Dictionary、Full Houseのリスニング<最近のMyarの英語>DVD Wee sing togetherCD Sight word readers絵本 Step into readingシリーズ ワーク Jump Start Pre