fun with English
I believe that the best way of learning English is the same way as we learn Japanese, listen a lot, be talked a lot, try to communicate gradually. However, many moms including my friends tend to leave it to an English school. Students learn the first step at an conversation school, and repeat the same step at elementary school, then again learn the same thing at junior high school. When do they learn further? At high school? That's where I came to be not really interested in English because I couldn't get good grade. This week I read some books about English education for young learners. I might have found an answer in the books. One of the books says that moms don't need to TEACH English to their children, just enjoy communication between mom and kid in English. The other book says that children will keep up their interest in English as long as it is fun. They will learn not only words and phrases but the whole point of it from the communication.えーいっ、ここから先はもう日本語。Myarと一緒に英語を楽しみたいと思っていたのにいつの間にか、どうやって語彙を増やそうか、どうしたら「わからないからイヤ」にならないかを考えていました。楽しかったら好きでいるに決まってるじゃんねぇ。正確さや語彙力ではなく、楽しさを追求すればいいんでした。もちろんこれですべて解決というわけではありません。まだまだ日本の英語教育については考えさせられることがいーっぱいあります。<ぶるふぁいのえいご>Parrot's Law: The Longest Time 10回(計90回)<Myarのえいご>テレビ:英語であそぼビデオ:BarneyCD&MD:Tiny Bopper, A Beautiful Butterfly, My Pet, Who stole the cookies?,ABC de CurryMother Goose, Wee sing finger plays