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T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

いいね! --/--






カテゴリ:Live Report
Actually, it was a suprise!びっくり

I didn't have plans to go when I woke up today, but I got an e-mail from Taka-san asking if I wanted to go. I didn't check the date, and I thought she meant tomorrow (the 28th) so I said yes right away.雫
However, she called while I was meeting with someone and I found out the show was today! Actually, I had a class in the afternoon, but I skipped it so I could go to the show: it was totally worth it! I also found out that Taka-san only had two ticketsチケット, but I had asked if my friend (who has been a fan of Takanori for 7 years) could come as well. As a result, Taka had decided to give up her ticket for my friend. This was so nice, I could hardly believe it!ピンクハート
The good news is that Taka could come with us afterall: we found this out as we waited in line for NHK Hall to open. I was so glad to hear this, because I felt really bad that she was going to give up her seat u_u. There were a lot of T.M. Revolution and a.b.s. fans there too, so I was getting excited.ショック
As we entered the hall, Taka and her friend told RoK (who came with Germany ) to be the one to hand the tickets over: this way we might get some good seats. It worked! We got seats in the center, three rows from the front of the stage. We were so lucky!グッド

Everyone was really exited!目がハート
Each time they changed the set for a different performer and we saw a keyboard, we'd say, "Are they next? I think so! But I'm not sure!" or something like that. I was always disappointed when it wasn't Takanori 失敗.
In preparation, we had been given glow sticks and made signs that said "Takanori Love" on them, too.
Finally, a.b.s. came out, and even though I told myself I would be calm, I totally wasn't. At all XD. I screamed a lotピンクハート, especially when they started to play and I realized it was "Freak Show"! Hearing the whole thing, I defenitely love this song! It was totally amazing seeing Takanori live for the first time, even though it was just five minutes. At the time, and even now, it doesn't seem real: it's kind of like a dream. I just remember that he seemed kind of tired when he walked out, but then he really got into the song and smiled very nicely when he left the stage. The only sad part is that it was over so soon 涙ぽろり.

In short, thank you Taka and Romy and everyone who made it possible for my friend and I to go on such short notice! I appreciate it more than you know! It's one of the best days I've had so far in Japan, so thank you so much for being so kind to me m(__)m.

It was completely amazingきらきら

私達はペンライトや「Takanori Love」と書いたものを用意しました。そして、ついにa.b.s.が登場!!私は落ち着こうと自分に言い聞かせても、まったくダメでした雫
たとえ5分でも初めてタカノリのライブを見ることが出来て素晴らしかったし、今でも夢のようですピンクハート タカノリは最初、少し疲れているように見えましたが、歌になると微笑んでいました。本当に夢のようでしたスマイル

Report :Winds-Turbo USA staff ,waywardstar(ジリー)
ピンクハートP.S :後でみんなで撮った写真とRoKのレポが出来たらまた、紹介します晴れ


Last updated  2006.11.28 16:24:42
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