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T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

いいね! --/--






カテゴリ:Live Report
There were only a few songs that calmed the crowd next, we listened to a powerful and impressive “Dress”, banging to the door of your heart, forcing its way inside. Together with a wonderful light show these moments were intense and I thought it would be very difficult to top. In the MC Takanori picked on the second floor audience: “You know, the distance doesn’t really matter. Show me what you have!”. After about 3 or 4 times, finally the first floor helped to create a roaring sound of “YEAH!!!”上向き矢印. The next session started with “Nephilim”. Oh my, I love this song so much, especially the aerial parts and guitar solos. You can’t imagine how it was to listen to that song so close, seeing SUNAO giving all he had, together with Takanoris perfect voice simply breathtaking. Though at TMR lives no one moves during ballads, there were many people waving their arms at the refrain so I was very glad because I really needed to move. The tension rose again with “LOST REASON”. In the first performances I had seen of ABS, we couldn’t decide whether to power up or stay calm but finally we instinctively all agreed to move and back up Takanori in his fight on stage.
In the second MC Takanori said thanks to all the artists who were performing togetherwith them and for heating up the crowd. And of course it was us fans who were thanked most. “You guys are the BEST!!!” he said, but I thought “I could give that back directly to you.”ピンクハート I was about to cry when the final session started. It was a song to force out everything “Fre@k $how”. The hall went crazy; sweat ran from the hands down the arms, happy faces glittered in the spotlights. And finally our feelings were one when “Innocent Sorrow” started. The singing hall was as loud as Takanori himself for the whole song! The moving hands were like a synchronous wave Takanori was carried on. It was over all too soon, but on the other hand many people were at their limit. It must have been 40 degrees C in that hall! I think they must have expected it - you had to pay extra for a drink to keep from collapsing! 炎
It was a surprising and wonderful experience to see the rapid improvement of ABS and I’m looking forward to an ABS only live which will be hell, but who cares? They’re GREAT!!! ダブルハート

(reported by RoK (Staff of Germany))


Last updated  2007.08.28 13:50:27
[Live Report] カテゴリの最新記事

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