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T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

いいね! --/--






カテゴリ:Live Report
2006-12-01 19:13:50

Taka mailed me on Sunday if I wanted to go to the POPJAM live where a.b.s. were scheduled to go on stage. I didn't to be asked twice of course. 目がハートSo Taka,Marimaru-san,Jiri,Amanda and I went to NHK Hall on Monday (Nov.27th).
We met at Harajuku station and ate something. Taka had a very nice surprise for all of us.Turbo magazines and we had look at Sue's Chiristmas calendar. It is sooo cute !!ハート(手書き)

When we arrived at the NHK hall there was a very long row of fans. Obviously many people come to see WaT who are very popular nowadays. We met other T.M.R.and a.b.s.fans in the row and received shiny bookmarks with an T.M.R.UNDER COVER logo for presents.
They are so beautiful. The tension rose when Taka hold us that it dosen't matter if you are early or not. You received your tickets in exchange for postcard that has been sent by NHK before. The only thing we could do is praying.
Taka passed the postcards to Marimaru-san and she past them to me. Nobody wanted to carry that risk to get bad places for away. When we entered it was just hoping and praying and....
we got places in the middled of the 3rd row !!! God, we were so lucky! きらきらBefore the live started we made signs for Takanori we wanted to hold up when it was a.b.s.'s turn.
2006-12-04 23:00:25

And when the started every time the staff brought drums and keyboards on to the stage we were hoping they would appear soon.
But we had to wait very very long.しょんぼり It was like stars as Ayumi Hamazaki,WaT & Co were just opening performances for a.b.s.And then...finally,we could see Sunao-san and the screaming rose immediately. We all jumped to our feet and screamed as load as we could."Takanori !!!!!!!"目がハート
The member wre fawn sweaters of their school uniform and grey trousers. Takanori with the characteristic glasses. The sound of "Fre@K$HoW"" filled the whole hall together with our voices.
Takanori voice was so powerful and we waved our arms holding pink and green light sticks according to the rhythm. Takanori closed his eyes and put so much energy into the song. I didn't realize any camera anymore.
I just seeing Takanori and feeling the song and putting my whole self into it. It was just like a dream.四つ葉 Seeing him so close. Only about 10m distance!! Clove enough to see every single excpression.
The greatest thing was that he really realized us. Those three foreigners in the 3rd row screaming as loud as they could And when the song was over we started shouting again and I hold up my sign,waved and screamed. In only one short moment that seemed to last forever Takanori smiled shyly.It was the cutest smile I've ever seen. I won't ever forget his expression. I thought this must be imagination but as everyone has seen it was real.

After a.b.s. we didn't have any power left. We just stood up when the others did and clapped and soon enough the show was over. Really,it was so lond when a.b.s.appeared I thought they are really famous. But afterwards we realized that it was mainly us producing that noise.
But I won't ever regret it or feel embarrassed. On the contrary it was one of the best days in my life. Only one song Takanori makes me happy for 110 % !!!ピンクハート青ハート緑ハート
日曜日にTakaから「POP JAMに行かない?」とメールがきて、私は迷うことなく行くことに決めました。そしてみんなと原宿で待ち合わせをしてNHKホールに行きました。収録がスタートして、毎回スタッフがドラムやキーボードを持ってくるたびにa.b.s.が登場するかと思いました。でも、a.b.s.はなかなか登場しませんでした。失敗そしてついに・・・Sunaoさんを発見すると私たちはジャンプして"Takanori !!!"と大きな声で叫びました。タカノリの声はとても力強く私達はピンクや緑のペンライトを振って応援しました。きらきらタカノリは目を閉じて歌にエネルギーを注いでいました。本当に夢のようです!!私はタカノリをを本当に近くで見ることができました!!海外ファンは歌が終わるとまた一生懸命に叫んで私は、自分で書いた”Takanoriハート(手書き)"の紙を出して手を振って叫びました。それは私が今までに見た中で最もかわいい微笑でした。 私は彼の表情を忘れないでしょう。 私は、これが想像であるに違いないと思いましたが、みんなが見たようにそれは本当でした。スマイル今日は私の人生にとって最良の日でした。
Report and Photo :Winds-Turbo Germany staff RoK (Romy)


Last updated  2006.12.05 12:42:29
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