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T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

いいね! --/--






カテゴリ:Live Report
My friend Amanda and I met Romy (from Germany), Taka-san, and Hi-san (from Korea) in front of Fuji Television and then found a good place to decorate the tree Winds-Turbo was giving to Takanori as a present. We had so many ornaments from all around the world that it was totally full. It looked really nice though, and Taka attached a card to it explaining what it was for (thanks everyone who sent something in!). They also prepared a bag full of gifts for him (like Santa) so we could hand that over as well. We were joined by Ayano-san (who does the beautiful drawings for Winds-Turbo magazine) after this and walked the tree and the bag over to the backdoor so we could give them to a staff member.Actually, that was funny because the staff member opened the door very quickly, which surprised us, and I think he was surprised because there were suddenly lots of women standing outside the door holding a tree. He also looked kind of amused by it.

Between that and the concert we had lunch and bought tour goods. Actually, I wanted to buy a lot of things, but they wanted to keep the line moving fast I think, so I made a quick decision just to buy a key-chain. Since I?m going one more time, I?ll probably buy more things then? The theme for the tour goods this time is an amplifier, so the t-shirts, the bags, the towels, and the key-chains all had this design on them, but you could choose whatever color you wanted. But they didn?t have pink!

Finally we got in line, and I was surprised because we weren?t in it for very long. I thought we?d be standing outside for a while, but the line started moving almost as soon as we stepped into the section for people holding C-block tickets. It was Romy, Amanda, me, and Nishiyan (another w-t staff member) who were in this block. As we did this, we got a few surprised and interested looks from Japanese fans. I think they weren?t expecting to see three foreign girls there at all.
Once they let us into the hall, and even a little before this, people started running and pushing. Romy was really fast, and I did my best to keep up with her, so I had to take the bag the door-man was holding out without breaking stride or saying ?thank you.?
We all bottle-necked at the door to the actual concert hall and Romy said, ?Stop pushing!? in Japanese but of course no one listened. They shoved us forwards and Manda, Romy, and I got squeezed all three of us through the doorway at once. We didn?t have to move our own feet! But we got a spot that was about 15 feet away from the stage (maybe less?) and almost center. It was a great spot!

Of course after this there was waiting for about half an hour, but it seems so short now. When Taka-san got her seat on the second floor, we all waved to her ^^.
About 10 minutes before the show began, people started to clap and shout ?turbo? but it wasn?t very loud and everyone had trouble getting the rhythm at first. However, once the announcement came on that Takanori would be appearing, everyone started clapping and shouting in earnest and I could feel my adrenaline getting higher and higher. I said to Amanda, ?We?re going to get pushed once the music starts!? I didn?t know how right I was.

Finally Takanori came out with the band. He was wearing suit pants and a suit jacket with a white shirt underneath and his pants tucked into his boots. He may have had a flower on his lapel and some kind of fancy belt (or cummerbund) but I can?t recall very well. I?m sorry u_u. Later on he took off the jacket and the white shirt was revealed to be sleeveless and he had on long black gloves (with the finger section entirely cut out). It was hot ^_~. As we all know, he likes to undress during concerts, so he?d unbutton the white shirt more and more as the show went on. He did a lot of sexy moves as well. Really?it was great. <-- Pervert!

The first song was Burnin? X-Mas (of course, it?s X-Mas time!) and I sang along as much as I could and waved my arms in the air doing the crowd dance. I?m sure you all know, but your arm gets so tired doing this. It was difficult sometimes because we were really being pushed (as I predicted) and I was trying really hard not to hit the head of the person in front of me (but sometimes I couldn?t help it! I?m sorry, lady in front of me!)
Right after this was HIGH PRESSURE, and I was really excited because I?d wanted to dance and sing along to this song in concert so badly. It was great shouting ?Takanori no!? and ?rakuen!? and doing the arm movements along with everyone.
He followed these with three slow songs (at least I think the slow ones were all together?): last resort, yume no shizuku, and Timeless ~Mobius Rover~. This was nice because the crowd really calmed down and I could finally feel a cool breeze around my body and not be pushing against other people. I noticed that, after just two songs, we were all completely covered in sweat. I understood why so many people bought towels. Stupid me!
Of course these ballads were beautiful and I?ve heard people say that Takanori?s voice is not as good as it used to be, but this is very much not so. His voice was beautiful and strong during these songs. I got really in to yume no shizuku and I noticed that Romy, Amanda, and I were some of the only people moving during these slow songs. A few of the girls around us were crying as well.
But after this, it was right back into the fast songs again. This is where I can?t recall at all what order the songs went in, but I know he sang Madan~Der Freishutz~, LOVE SAVER, Goin?, muugen no kokou, Ignited, Web of Night, and Zips. I?m sorry if I forgot anything! The entire time people got really intense with the shoving. Despite this it was excellent! Even though there was a lot of distraction from being pushed, Takanori?s performance was amazing. He?s got such a great way with the crowd, I think. It?s truly a group experience and you don?t feel as if he?s performing at you, but as if you?re all enjoying something very much together. When I was signing along, I couldn?t help but smile!

It seemed like the main set was over so soon, but of course everyone started to shout ?turbo? and clap again as soon as he left the stage. It wasn?t long before he came back out, this time with a tour t-shirt that he had very stylishly cut slashes into ^_~.
He did some MCing and held up the turbo doll for us to see. If you?ve ever seen the little chibi drawings of Takanori for the fan club, it looks just like that. For a moment I thought he was going to toss it into the crowd and I thought, ?It would get ripped to shreds!? but he didn?t: he just set it down on the drum platform and everyone cooed when it kept falling over. After this he talked with the band members and told us it was Hiroshi-san?s birthday, so we all sang ?Happy Birthday? to him, which was followed by a cute story about bringing him the cake. I can?t?remember what else he said (also, of course, I couldn?t understand all of it). That?s sad =_=.

赤ハートTo be countinue Part 2


Last updated  2006.12.19 18:44:35
[Live Report] カテゴリの最新記事

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