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T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

いいね! --/--






カテゴリ:Live Report
The first encore song was ?Silver and Gold? dance and he played the guitar. Yes! He?s a wonderful guitarist, of course ^^. He also played the guitar for Pied Piper right after this. There was a clapping move for this song that I didn?t know, but I couldn?t do it anyway because I was holding Manda?s hand and I was so very tired. I'd try to do the crowd dance with my left arm sometimes, but it hurt too much from before. I'm weak, weak! But I was glad to see him play the guitar, not for one, but two songs!

Another little break for MCing. To be honest, I didn?t start out listening very hard because I was so tired and my brain could not focus (I?m sorry, Takanori!), but I snapped back to attention when he said the word ?foreigner.? I thought, ?Ah, he?ll say how he?s happy that foreign fans have come,? but after he said that, he looked right at us and asked, ?Where are you from?? in English. At first I thought, ?Who said that?? because it was so unexpected and his pronunciation was really good. Usually I?m really shy, but I shouted, ?America!? without thinking. I don?t think he heard me though, because my voice was so weak from screaming. I then pointed to Romy because I thought she?d then say where she was from, but she didn?t say anything! She says her mind went blank. I understand that XD. Manda then shouted ?America!? again because he didn?t hear and Romy finally said ?Germany!? He then asked if there were any other foreign fans and the Korean girls got to speak up. I?m so glad. He then said how we all come from different places, but we all have one heart. I was so happy he said that ;___;. Just after this, he said something else I didn?t catch and everyone started to clap?for us? (Unless I am insane and don?t recall correctly, but I really think it was.) I was really embarrassed, but also, of course, incredibly happy. I never dreamed at all that he?d say anything to us: maybe spot us in the crowd and go on with life. Ah, it?s a Christmas miracle, no?
I just hope he was glad to have fans from several countries in the crowd to see him ^^.

The very last song was VITAL BURNER. When I realized this, I was insanely happy. Of course he?d just spoken to us, so I was already, but I?d wanted to hear thing song in concert so badly. I sang along with all of my might and danced and I didn?t care anymore about the shoving at all. Everyone seemed really happy, in fact. It was the best moment of the evening for me.

After this, it was really over and my selfish thought was, ?Too fast!? It always seems that way, right? However, it was wonderful. Entirely wonderful. It was worth everything it took to get there and all the shoving I had to stand through. This may just be me, but have you ever felt happiness through your entire body? It?s like that.

I don?t have picture right now because they are on Manda?s camera and she caught a bug that?s going around right now (from someone in the crowd, probably!) I?ll post them here when we get them up, if you?d like to see ^.^

REPORT :Winds-Turbo USA staff, Gilly
PHOTO :Winds-Turbo staff,Maki


Last updated  2006.12.19 18:46:57
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