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T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

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カテゴリ:Live Report
It`s pretty strange that I start with the second live. But the point is that I don?ft remember the song list at all. There are some very striking reasons for it. So I have to wait until I can get the list somehow. Sorry. (T.T) Now here we go for the second!

There were two live concerts on Sunday and I was very very lucky. Actually I could go to the second live because Nishiyan-san gave me her ticket. Thank you so much!!! It was the S block so catch a view of Takanori was very difficult. Nevertheless it was HOT!!! As hot as the first one. Before the live started everyone started clapping and shouted ?gTurbo, Turbo!?h Takanori started both concerts with ?gBurnin` Xmas?h fitting the season. And immediately the tension rose to maximum in a single second. The whole hall singing and waving arms and Takanori`s powerful voice. The tension increased when he started ?gHot Limit?h. Oh yes, it was really really hot! And this was only the 2nd song. Because most people had already taken part in the first live I thought they`d be exhausted somehow. And honestly I thought myself wouldn`t stand the whole live. BUT if you in there, hearing the song and feeling that great atmosphere you forget all pain and exhaustion. Just feel the rhythm and you move no matter how done you are. The next song was ?gJoker?h. The Under:Cover version is so hard. Wow, if anybody says TMR is too soft people haven`t ever felt this. People were waving their heads and arms, their fists up. And without any pause we were into ?gMugen no Kokou?h. Simply adjusting rhythm and continue rocking! Can you imagine? You won`t stand a chance if you are lazy with exercise. Seeing TMR live means you have to be to top condition or you will collapse! Because this wasn`t the end of the rush. Next was ?gWeb of Night?h and Takanori sang in English. He really loves singing English songs! And what to say: Rock on!!! It took me only these 25 min to be drenched in sweat and I did only were my trousers and swimming suit top!!! As everyone was close to the limit Takanori started the slow number beginning with ?gdestined for?h followed by ?gAka suna?h (I hope I remember right) ending up with ?gVestige?h. As always at TMR concerts people were completely quiet not to disturb the breathtaking atmosphere. Just feeling Takanori`s voice and his emotions he was putting into his songs. I am pretty sure that we all felt the same. The whole hall was filled with that very special thing I cannot decribed well. But from this moment on I very strongly felt the connection between Takanori and us. I`m very sorry that decribing it won`t make you feel the same but I`d like to say that there is a very special connection at TMR lives you probably won`t ever find with other bands. I have been to lots of concerts and never felt it. Never!
After that period of recovery we were all eager for the next rush. And we continued with ?gTO-RI-KO?h. It`s really funny. Though you are exhausted you can`t wait for jumping again. As I really really love this song I deadly wanted to hear it live. Like telepathy, right? He sang it! And of course everyone was on the peak in a single moment again.
The following song was ?gZips?h and you can imagine: That song simply ROCKS!!! It`s in my top 5 of TMR songs and I think I really lost myself in it. It was so great and perfect and ?c no words won`t fit. I forgot everything around me. But is there a song that can increase that feeling any further? Yes, there is. ?gLove Saver?h ?c and everyone ran totally mad. Highspeed and power. Who did talk about exhaustion or spains? It`s just as if you got a dose of drug. I never took a real one of course but I`m pretty sure that this must be the feeling. A complete HIGH! And taking over this mood we got the climax with ?gIgnited?h. Everyone was just singing, jumping and we were really one. It desn`t matter where you stand or if you can see well. Feeling that atmosphere and singing and putting your whole self into it is enough. You don`t need to see Takanori`s face. You simply know because you`re one.
Now, take a breath and calm down a little bit. Takanori and the band were taking a short brake and after one min or so the fans already started with calling them out. Clapping hands and ?gTurbo, Turbo, Turbo, Turbo!?h When the band and Takanori reappeared there was a very long MC. Takanori made many jokes with fans and band members. He`s a really funny guy. He brought a stuffed Turbo, the image character of Turbo fanclub with him and made him sit next to the drums. And now surprise surprise ?c he talked about international fans who had been in the first live, meaning Gilly, Amanda, me and fans from Korea. He said that he always had the dream that maybe someday fans from all over the world would come to see his lives. And because he hadn`t performed overseas he was very happy to see us there!!! He is such a sweety! Later I heard that Gackt was in the second live and probably Takanori was so proud of having international fans there that he simply had to mention it. I am sure that this impressed Gackt, too!
Enough with talking. Takanori took his guitar and we started again. Unfortunately I didn`t know the song because this was a cover song with TRF. But I liked it very much. And it was a perfect warming up for the next one I deadly wanted to hear, too. ?gPied Piper?h is a perfect song for live and of all rather unknown songs of TMR I like this one best. It`s so cool. You jump the whole song without interruption. And one more special thing happened. Takanori changed the last song especially for the international fans into ?gChase! The Thrill?h. Concerts often end with ballads or something similar. But this live was ended with a powerful song and high tension. That`s TMR!! And when Takanori finally introduced the band members he said that the audience would be part of the band and therefore we were introduced as the last member. Really, it was such a great live. Thank you very much Takanori and w-t members!

REPORT :Winds-Turbo Germany staff Romy
PHOTO :Winds-Turbo staff Maki


Last updated  2006.12.19 18:49:38
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