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いいね! --/--
Feb 13, 2014
Young prostitutes were recruited by professional recruiters with the bitter consent
of the girls’ poor parent. This used to be universal when people were poor.

The Korean young prostitutes were recruited by Korean recruiters with the bitter
consent of the Korean girls’ poor parent. Something to be hidden as a matter of shame.

Unfortunately kidnapping also happened and, when found, kidnappers were arrested
by police and punished. 
(Refer to the Dong-A Ilbo newspaper in June 30, 1933, an example of newspaper report
about Korean kidnappers of Korean girls.)

The Koreans today are demonstrating their own shame by building a number of statues
of young prostitutes in Korea and in the U.S.

Brothels and prostitution used to be legal business. The Japanese government, including
the military, for themselves never recruited or kidnapped Japanese or Korean girls to
make them prostitutes. They did not need to do so, because there were Japanese and
Korean brothel owners who recruited Japanese and Korean young women for prostitution.

That was why there was no civil fight in Korea to prevent recruiting or kidnapping
of young Korean prostitutes in 1930's to 1940's. That was why this issue was not
specifically discussed between Korea and Japan when the two countries negotiated
their Basic Treaty signed in 1965 to re-establish diplomatic relations between the two

If hundreds of thousands of Korean girls had been recruited or kidnapped without
their parents’ consent by Japanese military, as the Korean activists of today maintain,
how could the Korean fathers and mothers have remained silent?

You know the fierce character of the Koreans. They would have never remained silent
for decades since 1930's.

The mistake may have started quietly, when the Japanese in those days decided to use
the euphemism “comfort women” instead of “prostitutes”. The new name was invented
to lessen the social scorn to those young girls mostly coming from Japan and partly
from Korea and other places occupied by Japan.

As decades passed, the naming of “comfort women” generated a mistaken notion as if
they were different from simple prostitutes.

Anti-Japanese campaign began tactfully to spread lies that it was the Japanese government
or military that kidnapped hundred thousands of Korean girls to make them prostitutes.
If this had been true, Koreans in 1930's and 1940's would never have been so dull and
dumb to remain silent in those days or just after the war.

Koreans keen to promote anti-Japanese campaign are building comfort women statues
in Korea and the U.S., believing that they are successfully dishonoring the Japanese.

Actually they are commemorating the act of Korean brothel owners and Korean
prostitute recruiters, the shame of their grandfathers’ generation.

Alas, ignorant Koreans of today. Alas, ignorant Americans who believe in Koreans’
fake story.


最終更新日  Feb 14, 2014 08:33:42 AM
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