英検一級講座に、「いきなりエッセイを書くのが難しい人は、社説の要約から始めるとよい」と書いてあったので、Daily Yomiuriの10月3日付Maintain impartiality of textbook screeningをやってみました。一応、200字以内でおさめました。赤文字が訂正箇所です。Chief Cabinet Secretary called for rewriting revisions to some Japanese high school history textbooks from next academic year about the Battle of Okinawa during the World War 2 . The draft of one textbook stated, “The Japanese Army murdered some local residents on suspicion of spying and forced others to commit mass suicide and kill each other.” In the screening process, it was rewritten to read that “mass suicide and mutual killing took place”.There was a rally in Okinawa on last Saturday claiming that the mass suicide would have never taken place had it not been for the Imperial Japanese Army’s involvement and demanding the ministry rescind its action.On the other hand, in 2005, a former Imperial Japanese Army commissioned officer and a brother of a deceased former captain filed a defamation suit against writer Kenzaburo Oe , who had published a book describing those soldiers as responsible for issuing mass suicide orders.The foundation of textbook screening must be written entirely based on historical facts and be neutral and fair. Their contents shouldn’t be rewritten just to avoid hurting people’s feelings and smooth out Diet proceedings.そのまんま大事そうなところを抜き出して、さらにちょっと省いただけなので、間違いが二箇所です。しかし、そこが唯一自分で書き足したところなんですabout the Battle of Okinawa during the World War 2 の部分は、to some Japaneseの前に書いていました。語順は難しいon the other handも不要。英語はあまり接続詞を使わないようなま、抜き出したポイントはあながち悪くなかったみたいなので、来週もやってみます***明日(いやもう今日だな)から一泊で、福岡へ結婚式に出席してきます。ちなみに来月も再来月もお呼ばれしています(しかもみんな県外)ま、招待側の三人とも一緒に働いた&いる男の子達なので、幸せな顔を拝めるのは楽しみなんですけどね※楽天ユーザー以外の方は、コメントをいただける場合こちらにお願いいたします※