Two days ago My friend and I went geocaching. It is an activity using handheld GPS units. People hide things in public areas such as parks, parking areas,etc. then place hints to its satellite location on the internet. People put the coordinates into their portable GPS units and then drive and hike around looking for them. The GPS units are very accurate so something can be hidden and the GPS coordinates would exactly mark the spot. We had to drive and hike to find the cache. Inside were some presents left by those who made the cache and others who replaced whatthey took with something else. The idea is that if you take something out of the cache you should add something too, then write in the logbook they have. It was fun. We were very lucky and found a large area of unpicked wild blackberry bushes. There are tons of blackberries around here but most of the accessible ones seem to bepicked quickly. We went back yesterday and picked the equivalent of two rice cooker bowls full of berries in about 15 minutes. That would be about $30 CDN here andgod knows how much in Japan. They are really good. Yum, yum, yum.We also did four small geocache searches. Two were microcaches, meaning the hidden thing was small. On was a film holder for 35mm film that was placed in atree, another was magnetic and looked like a light switch cover. That one was on a light in a parking lot. A third one was under a thick tree, and the last was only one of 4 hints to find another cache. We only did the first part.Geocaching is a fun way to see parts of the city and country you would never visit otherwise. Sometimes you get the bonus of getting a ton of berries, too.***楽天さんが、スパムメールへの対策を講じてくれたようなので、コメントをオープンにしました。今までのは、まだ削除し終わっていません。システム上、何件書き込まれたのかわかりませんが膨大な量なのは確かです ぼちぼち消していきます。。。・・・ハミルの家族へのお土産を買いましたお義母さんとお姉さん達にはエプロンを、姪っ子たちにはキティちゃんグッズにしました。しかし、男性陣には未だゲットしておりません。何買っていいかわかんないよー。