the lingusitでの英文添削を初めて受けてみました。何を書こうかなあと迷った結果、前の仕事のことなんぞ書いてみました。(添削後)I would like to explain about my old job in an interview style. Q: What kind of school did you work at ? A:It is a vocational school that has computer, art , medical, and Japanese courses for foreign students. Q: What did you teach? A:I taught Japanese to foreign students, a composition class for Japanese students , and a Japanese class for Japanese high school kids. I was also an assistant in a flower arranging class and a soccer club. Q: Did you enjoy teaching Japanese ? A:It was enjoyable, especially the beginner class. Most of the beginning students had just come to Japan and were really motivated. On the other hand, I found it hard to teach students with different mother tongues and needs in the same class. Needless to say, it would have been easier for me if the classes were separated based on these things. Q: Did you do anything else other than teaching? Yes. We checked student visa applications submitted to Immigration. It took about three months to look through all the applications. We had new students twice a year so we had to work extra time every six months! Also, home teachers took care of the students outside the classroom. We picked them up at the airport when they first arrived, looked for their apartments, took them to the hospital if nessesary, and talked with the police or an insurance company when they had traffic accidents. It was tough for them to fit into the housing and medical system, much less the traffic regulations here. Although I had a very difficult time dealing with them, I learned a lot from them. My old job was quite a challenging and rewarding one!! さて、この添削前の状態は、以下の通り。(数字は間違った個数と全体に占める割合)正確さ 9: 25.7% 冠詞 6: 17.1% 明瞭さ 2: 5.7% 有効性 4: 11.4% 語の使用法 1: 2.9% 前置詞 2: 5.7% 動詞 11: 31.4% TOTALS 35: 100% FREQUENCY 12 mistakes per 100 words. ・・・何度か見直したのにな(^-^;)一つの間違いにつき、説明があるのですが、おやっと思ったのが、flower arrangement classでなく、flower arranging classと書くべきだそうです。理由は、A flower arrangement is the finished product after you put flowers in a vase. You were an assistant in a class that taught people how to do this. Try to be as clear as possible when describing your duties.・・・なるほど( ゚д゚)!それから、全体的に注意されたのは、The main difficulty that you have with your writing is that you do not always say exactly what you mean. ・・・たしかに日本語的文章構成で書いているもんなあ。。。You really need to work on putting words and phrases together in a natural way. ・・・これは単なる勉強不足でしょう(^^ゞYou really need to be careful with verbs and your choice of words. I can usually understand what you are trying to say, but often you use a word, phrase or verb that is not correct within the context. ・・・今回、時制の間違いが多かったんです。過去のことなのに、現在形でばかり書いてしまいました(T∇T)今まで、間違いを直してもらうだけという英文添削しか受けたことがなかったので、へこんでしまいましたが、いい薬になりました~ただいま、ライティングの本を物色中。何か、お勧めの本があれば、教えてくださいm(__)m***物色といえば、ソファーをついに購入しました。これですの♪店内で撮影しました(念のため^^;)。いよいよハミルが愛用していたロッキングチェアーとお別れです。さらば~私のうたた寝に拍車がかかりそうです(笑)。