Car trouble and Whalewatching&妹のバレエ発表会
I don't know what I wrote last so I guess I will start with whale watching. Oh, the battery on my rental car (Buick Rendezvous) ran down on the first night so I had to get a boost from another car the next day.Something was on but I couldn't figure out what it was. I turned off most of the automatic thingamajigs and everything has been fine since. I worry a little because I go down some logging roads(伐採道路) and there are no other drivers around to help.Whalewatching has been great so far. The first day we saw about 50 killer whales. Unfortunately they were about 100 meters away at the closest so I didn't get a real chance to try out my new lenses. I think because there were other whale watching boats around thecaptain tried to set an example by staying a little further away. We were pretty jealous of the people on other boats. Some were positioned really well and the whales passed within meters of them. One group of 3 people who joined the tour came in by helicopter. Theytook the helicopter from there resort (Nemo Resort) to do the whalewatch for a few hours, then we dropped them off on a small island where a helicopter has come to pick them up. From there they went to a glacier for lunch. The captain said it costs $17,500US for a group of 4 people to stay at that resort. OUCH!!I did another whalewatch yesterday. Was better. We saw fewer whales but they were hanging around so had plenty of chances to watch them. Someof my photos are pretty good but it is not so easy to photograph whales with a big lens. They come up quickly which makes for focus problems. The big males are easier to photograph since they have very tall dorsal fins(背びれ) which you see come out of the water giving a little more time to frame a photo. We also saw two humpback whales(ザトウクジラ。2001年より捕鯨禁止). They are always cool to see. They surface, take a few breaths and dive again for about 5 minutes. Luckily the pair did one dive only about 25 meters from theboat. Unfortunately I had the wrong lens and they were too close for me to photograph well. Was great for all those on board with their tiny little cameras though.We also saw bald eagles(白頭ワシ), seals,and other birds I don't know about.語注を付けてみました^^***今日は、妹のバレエの発表会でした。私と違って(笑)、バレエ一筋です。前は助手などもしていましたが、今は趣味として楽しんでるようです。今回は、足の調子が悪く、整体や温泉治療をしながら稽古をしていたので、心配しましたが、無事そつなく終えることができました^^ジーンときて、目頭が熱くなってしまったぜぃ。。。かくいう私は、今日、お風呂掃除をしていたら足を滑らせ、青あざを二つ作ってしまいました(^-^;)アンポンタン