● 発電シャツ
早く低コストで実用化してほしい・・・引用元:ITmedia News 2008/02/14携帯電話を充電できる「発電シャツ」開発ジョージア工科大学で、動きに反応して発電する特殊繊維を開発、その繊維を使ったシャツを開発中という。・・・・・引用元:GeorgiaTech NewsRelease 2008/02/13Fiber-based Nanotechnology Could Power Electronic Devices"Power shirt” would harvest energy from physical movementAtlanta (February 13, 2008) - Nanotechnology researchers are developing the perfect complement to the power tie: a “power shirt” able to generate electricity to power small electronic devices for soldiers in the field, hikers and others whose physical motion could be harnessed and converted to electrical energy.・・・・・