にわかに信じ難いが、CIA-The world Factbookによれば購買力平価ベースのGDPランキングは、米国、中国、日本、インド、ドイツ、英国、フランス、イタリア、ロシア、ブラジル、韓国…となっている。為替換算がゆがみを孕んでいるとすれば、いよいよ考え方を考え直した方がよさそうな気配だ。BRICsは想像以上に発展速度が速いぞ!!
Monetary Policy is critically importantと題する共和党予備選のロン・ポール候補の主張を掲げておく。ロン・ポールはアメリカの良心だ。メディアには取り上げられないが、彼の主張はアメリカの真の国益にかなっている。 やっぱりアメリカがしゃんとしてもらわな。 外国が汗して稼いだ金で経済を上手く回し続けさせるなんてやはり無理があるということだ。アメリカがくしゃみをすると吹き飛ぶ東京市場もあわれだが。 しかし、円の上下で一喜一憂する輸出依存の日本経済って、あまりにも厚みにかけるというか脆弱でスキだらけなんですけど。食料にしてもエネルギーにしてもレアメタルにしても。内需拡大なんて、もはやだれもいわなくなって久しいですが。 Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testifies twice every year before the congressional Financial Services committee, and I look forward to these opportunities to raise questions about monetary policy. I believe monetary policy is critically important yet overlooked in Washington. Money is the lifeblood of any economy, and control over a nation's currency means control over its economic well being. Fed bankers quite literally determine the value of our money, by controlling the supply of dollars and establishing interest rates. Their actions can make you richer or poorer overnight, in terms of the value of your savings and the buying power of your paycheck. So I urge all Americans to educate themselves about monetary policy, and better understand how a small group of unelected individuals at the Federal Reserve and Treasury department wield tremendous power over our lives. 通貨は経済の生命線だ。ドルの供給量を支配し、利率を決めることで、銀行家は通貨の価値を決定する。君たちを豊かにするか、貧しくするかの決定権は銀行家にある。貯蓄の価値と購買力を決めるのは彼らだ。 The following are some excerpted comments from my opening remarks at the hearing with Mr. Bernanke: Transparency in monetary policy is a goal we should all support. I've often wondered why Congress so willingly has given up its prerogative over monetary policy. Astonishingly, Congress in essence has ceded total control over the value of our money to a secretive central bank. 金融政策の透明性を実現したい。 Congress, although not by law, essentially has given up all its oversight responsibility over the Federal Reserve. There are no true audits, and Congress knows nothing of the conversations, plans, and actions taken in concert with other central banks. We get less and less information regarding the money supply each year, especially now that M3 is no longer reported. 議会は、連邦準備制度(FR)の監督を放棄。ちゃんとした監査もないから、議会は中央銀行のことが何もわからない。いまでは、M3がいくらなのかさえ秘密にされている。 The role the Fed plays in the President's secretive Working Group on Financial Markets goes unnoticed by members of Congress. The Federal Reserve shows no willingness to inform Congress voluntarily about how often the Working Group meets, what actions it takes that affect the financial markets, or why it takes those actions. But these actions, directed by the Federal Reserve, alter the purchasing power of our money. And that purchasing power is always reduced. The dollar today is worth only four cents compared to the dollar in 1913, when the Federal Reserve started. This has profound consequences for our economy and our political stability. All paper currencies are vulnerable to collapse, and history is replete with examples of great suffering caused by such collapses, especially to a nation's poor and middle class. This leads to political turmoil. FRがわれわれの通貨の購買力を変える。購買力は下がり続けている。こんにちの1ドルはFRが設立された1913年の4セントに過ぎない。 Government officials consistently claim that inflation is in check at barely 2%, but middle class Americans know that their purchasing power--especially when it comes to housing, energy, medical care, and school tuition-- is shrinking much faster than 2% each year. 政府の高官はインフレは2%に過ぎないというが、アメリカの中流層は購買力が、特に住宅、エネルギー、医療、教育費で、それ以上のパーセントで縮小していると感じている。 We look at GDP numbers to reassure ourselves that all is well, yet a growing number of Americans still do not enjoy the higher standard of living that monetary inflation brings to the privileged few. Those few have access to the newly created money first, before its value is diluted. GDPで見るとわかるが、GDPの伸びで裕福になっているのは富裕層で、彼らだけが、価値がインフレで目減りする前にあたらしく刷られた紙幣に手が届く。 For example: Before the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system, CEO income was about 30 times the average worker's pay. Today, it's closer to 500 times. It's hard to explain this simply by market forces and increases in productivity. One Wall Street firm last year gave out bonuses totaling $16.5 billion. There's little evidence that this represents free market capitalism. たとえば、金本位制がダウンするまではCEOの収入は一般の30倍だったが、いまでは500倍だ。ウォールストリート(金融街)のボーナスは合計165億ドルだった。自由な市場なんて幻想だ。 In 2006 dollars, the minimum wage was $9.50 before the 1971 breakdown of Bretton Woods. Today that dollar is worth $5.15. Congress congratulates itself for raising the minimum wage by mandate, but in reality it has lowered the minimum wage by allowing the Fed to devalue the dollar. We must consider how the growing inequalities created by our monetary system will lead to social discord. 金本位制が崩れる前は最低賃金は1000円だったが、いまや500円に過ぎない。議会は、最低賃金を上げたが、実際はFRBがドルを減価させて、下げている。 How can a policy of steadily debasing our currency be defended morally, knowing what harm it causes to those who still believe in saving money and assuming responsibility for themselves in their retirement years? Is it any wonder we are a nation of debtors rather than savers? こんな金融政策のもとで、だれが金を貯めて、自分の老後を引き受けようとするのか? We need more transparency in how the Federal Reserve carries out monetary policy, and we need it soon. すぐにでもFRの金融政策を透明にせなあかん。 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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