Importance of self reflection and being understood
Just hit upon an idea to keep this weblog in English. I don't know how this could last. though...Since this morning I've got something emotionally tough, but I had to work all day for an important task in my office. I struggled with my emotion all day while working on some accounting work. It was a BIG day...But I feel like admiring the growth of myself, that enabled me to settle the "something emotionally tough" in my mind before the evening, after all the strggle. In short, the person on the other side has her own position and way of thinking based on her experience, and it is not always likely that I can be easily understood by the other side. I have to keep myself out of selfish mind.After work I went to my favorite massage service. The woman who always take care of my massage listened very well to my emotional struggle today, and it was revealed that she had very similar experience as mine. It was really a caring experience... massage, and a kind of psychotherapy. I reconfirmed the importance of being listened and understood. Thanks Miss K.