国際遠距離結婚をあと3年?? 取りあえずの結論
Novioさんから言い出すのを待って、しばらく放っておいた“TOEFL-作文”の結果とそれによって変わる今後の予定について。終に彼からメールが送られてきました。 省略しても長いのですが、許可を取ったので載せてみます。(compositionが苦手なのを証明するように、間違いがかなりありますがご容赦下さい!)Hi my little and cute○○ ! how are you? how's everybody at home? As usual I wish your well-being today and tomorrow. Also I hope that your mother had had a good time at her birthday party, it was really bad that I couldn't be there with you.two weeks have past since we had a talk and there I told you that I will let you know about the plan for us, for our future. I wanted to tell you this through the telephone but we haven't had chance to do it. that's why I send you this e-mail. I am sorry if you found it as a bad way to learn. The things here are not as good as we have planned because I did not make enough score in the TOEFL composition, I am sorry I got almost the same score to the last one. As a result I wasn't accepted to the full time course. I am ashamed and I want to apologize for it and I am so sorry if I make you disappointed. Now I have to endure the circumstances and what I am going to do is to continue with the part time courses at evening time in order to get something credentials or tickets. There is not a specific length time to finish the courses because I can take as many courses as I require, and here is where you come in to my plan. But before that, I am also waiting from you to hear one news which is very important to take account in, I would like to know about your probable pregnancy, I think you already know if you have been blessed to have a baby or it was just a late period, please let me know. If yes, I can be the happiest guy on the earth when I known it. If no, I will wish it will happen very soon.If you are not blessed yet, I want to ask you to come to Vancouver for good next year, I think May is a good time to come, why May? there are some reasons; First, I think it is enough time for me to finish at least two more periods of school while searching for a good place to work in Vancouver or somewhere else (however if I find a job before, you are totally welcome to come any time); Secondly, we have to apply for your permanent residence card which will be important for to have access to the health care system and many other rights. As you know it may take few months before it will send to you. Thirdly, I guess you also have to make certain arrangements before leave home, like to give enough time to your bosses of the hotel so they can look for someone who can replace you then you can leave without feeling of guiltiness. Also may is a good month for travelling, we can go to Las Vegas or Mexico or East Canada, maybe not very long time but at least two weeks.And now, if the first thing have happened, we are already expecting a baby who I think he/she has already two months of age, we have to begin the application for your PRC as soon as possible so you can come to Canada to give a birth to our baby here, in this case I might finish only this period while hunting for a job, actually I think I will have to get an extra job I mean second job (part time) till you will come to Canada and maybe more. I know you do not like the idea but we have to save some money for all the expenses that the baby will require, then I do not intend to work always whole time, when the time comes and you are close to give a birth, I will quit from my part time job so I can take care of you and then of the baby. I guess you are so nervous with all of this and you think it will be difficult for us to overcome. but as I have told you always I will take care of you no matter what I have to do. But also I am still wonder if you really want to have a baby in Canada or you rather want to have in Japan. I believe that perhaps you will want to have your Mom close to you and there is not a better place than in Japan, is it? as I told you I will be able to do anything for you include to go to Japan to work there meanwhile you're in pregnancy, that's why I am taking short courses of Japanese language.I love you so much and I will respect all the decisions you will take.With tons of love...< 要約 >電話したかったけれど、メールで知らせる事になってごめんなさい。結局TOEFLの作文のテストでは必要点を取れず、9月からのフルタイムコースへの編入もできませんでした。自分を恥ずかしく思うし、Meiにも申し訳無い限りです。このまま昼は働いて夜にパートタイムクラスを取り続ける事にします。 取ろうと思えば3年でも続けられるコースなので、キリの良い所で諦めて専門分野での職探しを本格的に始めようと思います。そこでMeiなんだけど、来年の5月にカナダに来るって事でどうだろう? 何故5月かと言うと、● まず、就職活動に必要な資格を取る為に、後2つはコースを修了させたいので。 ● そしてMeiが永住権を申請して手に入れるまで、しばらく時間がかかる為。(これは今私が永住権を申請するのを前提にしてかな?)● 又Meiが罪悪感無く会社を辞める為に、社長達に後任を探す十分な時間をあげなくてはいけないだろうと思うので。● 最後に気候が良い5月は、二人でに2週間くらい旅行をするのに最適だから・・・。(続けて “Meiが妊娠していたら” について一生懸命色々考えてくれていますが、これはずーっと前に『生理が遅れている』と話したのを憶えていてくれての彼の早とちりなので省略。 でも、嬉しかったです。)Meiが下すどんな決断も尊重します。私は普段喧嘩をする時、かなりはっきり思った事を言います。でも事が深刻であればあるほど、冷静になるし黙るかも。実は今度の件でも彼に怖いくらい何も言ってなかったんです。 そしてTOEFLの結果次第では無く(フルタイムに行けるかどうかではなく)、計画の再検討とNoviさんの詰めの甘さについて改めて話し合う時の、彼の出方次第できっぱり別れよう。本気で考えていました。その辺に彼も感づいていたのか、何か思いっきり誠実なメールで先手を打たれちゃった感じですね:P。 (いえ、普段から本当に誠実なんですが!)彼の優しさは、弱さから来るものです。 でも、もしかしたら最近ちょっとだけ変わったかも知れない。取り敢えず、どこをどう間違っても悪い人では無いのだけは確か。 そして毎回私はそれに丸め込まれてしまう~(笑)!あぁ、いつもそう考える様に、もう少し、ちょこっとだけ頑張ってみよう。ただ、折角たててくれた計画ですが、来年5月と言えば、愛知万博の真最中。 私がカナダに行くとすれば、やっぱり最初の予定通り、来年の末が適当じゃないかと。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・う~~~~ん、それまでは頑張れるかな・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・:(?ちなみに、『このメール、FRIENDS(一応複数形)に見せてもいいですか?』 と伺った時、こんな返事が。you can show it to whoever you want I am really ok if you want to do that, actually I am just curious why you are asking me such a thing:), I love you and you know that you can do whatever you think right.そりゃ何でこんな事聞くんだろうと思うよね! (※彼は私が日記書いてる事を知らないので) Mei