これでも反対か・Still argue against grass?
昨日お伝えた通り、夜の7時から地区の納涼祭がグリーンフィールドで開催された。去年初めてこの芝生広場で開催したときの人手が500人前後と主催者が大喜びだったが、昨日は軽くその倍の人たちで終始大賑わいでした。出店が9時ちょっとすぎのもう完売の看板が続々と出されて、最後の最後まで小さな子供達も、その親達、地元住民皆が大変盛り上がっていた。これだけの人が集まると、まずは駐車場が問題になりますが、グリーンフィールドでは何の問題もありません。2万平米の全面芝生のこの広場では芝生の中に車を入れて、端で駐車してもらうからです。ちょっと待ってよ!学校の校庭緑化の反対理由として良く言われるのが「月に1ー2回ぐらい学校の行事のときに、駐車場に使うから、芝生には出来ない」です。この書き込みとその次に1枚ずつの写真を載せますので、良く見て下さい。まずこのメッセージに添付してある写真が納涼祭が始まる1時間程前、左の方に準備に来ている人たちの車が芝生の上に駐車してあります。この後、まん中の芝生の上を200ー300台の車の駐車スペースに使います。次の下記込みの写真が同じ場所を翌日(今朝一番)に写った写真です。では次へどうぞIn yesterday's blog, I mentioned that the local residents' association would be holding its Summer Festival at Greenfield from 7PM. Last year, the first time the festival was held at Greenfield, the organisers were overjoyed to have about 500 people attend. Word had obviously spread, because yesterday we had in excess of 1,000 participant. All the food stalls had hung out SOLD OUT signs not long after 9PM. Right up to the end, the park was overrun with children, their parents, and other residents all having a great time.When this many people gather in one place, parking is usually a major problem. But not at Greenfield. We convert part of the park into a car park, and have people park their cars on the grass.Hang on! I hear you say.One reason frequently (always) given for not converting school playing fields into grass is that the grounds are used as carparks 1-2 times a month for school activities, and (apparently) grass can not withstand this sort of rough treatment. I have attached one photo with this message showing some cars parked along the edge of the park. This was the main car park area, and during the evening, 200-300 cars were parked on the grass you can see.The photo with the next message was taken the morning after (this morning). Let's have a look at that photo.