すごいすごい。日曜日に無観客でおこなわれたサッカーのイタリア1部リーグ、ACミラン(AC Milan)対 サッスオロ(Sassuolo)戦で、ミランのフォワード、ラファエル・レオ(Rafael Leao)選手が試合開始からわずか6.2秒後にゴールを決めた。
ちなみにイタリア1部リーグのこれまでの最速ゴール記録は2001年にピアチェンツァのパオロ・ポッジ(Paolo Poggi)選手が対フィオレンティーナ戦でのゴール8秒。8秒というのも凄いが、ポッジ氏は今回のレオ選手の6.2秒を祝福したそうだ。
ACミランは現在ジタン選手が負傷者リストに入っていてメンバーから欠けている。レオ選手がゴールを決めた後、前半戦でアレクシス・サレムエイカース(Alexis Saelemaekers)選手がゴールを決めて2-1で勝利した。
Wow wow. Milan forward Rafael Leao scored a goal
just 6.2 seconds after the start of the mutch between
AC Milan and Sassuolo in the Italian first division soccer
league held on Sunday without spectors.
It is said that this fastest goal is not only the first
record in the history of the Italian first division league,
but also the first record in the history of the five major
soccer leagues in Europe.
By the way, the fastest goal record so far in Italian Ist
division league was in 2001 when Piacenza's Paolo
Poggi scored 8 seconds against Florentina. Eight
seconds is amazing, but Poggi congratulated Leao for
6.2 seconds this time.
AC Milan is currently missing from the members
because Zidane is on the injured list. After Leao scored
a goal, Alexis Saelemaekers scored a goal and won 2-1
in the first half of the game.
However, the fact that this record-breaking match
was unmanned makes me feel the tesentment of Italian
soccer fans against the COVID-19 disaster. I would like
kansen (watch) the game on YouTube at least.
Be careful of
kansen (infection)!
Tadami Yamada