英語多読日記 The Body by Stephen King
PENGUIN READERS Level5 YL 5 Word 20,921読み終わっての感想・・・。本当に映画の通りで、よく再現されていたなぁ・・・と関心しましたただ、映画で面白かった早食い競争の所が無かったでも、これは原作にはあるのかも知れない。やっぱり原作を読んでみたいなぁと思った本の中で、作者の Stephen King の説明がありました(一部)The writer of this story, Stephen King, was born into a poor family in Portland, Maine, in the USA in 1947. When Stephen was only two, his father left, and his mother had to bring up her children alone. Stephen studied hard and went to university. He wrote for the college newspaper and was involved in student politics, supporting the movement against the Vietnam War. He also met his wife Tabitha there. They married, he took a teaching job, and they had children. King wrote in his evenings and weekends, selling short stories to magazines for extra income. He also worked at novels. Success was not all good for King, however, and he had bad problems with alcohol and drugs. His wife and family eventually pulled him through after a ten-year struggle. In 1999 King was nearly killed in a bad car accident. He was knocked off the pavement by a van that was out of control. For a long time after that, he could not sit comfortably at a desk because of his injuries, and he thought about giving up writing. However, he kept writing. 波乱な人生だなぁ・・・。今は、奥さんとFloridaに住んでいるとの事です。平穏な生活を送って欲しいなぁと思いました クリック頂けると嬉しいです