How sweet!
アーロン達の洋上大学の船は、昨日横浜港を出発して、 最後の寄港地ハワイへ向かいました。 土曜日の夜に新大阪で見送って、 窓際の席に座ってたけど大丈夫だったかな? (D席だったのに・・・) お弁当の紐をちゃんと引っ張って温められたかな? 品川でお友達とちゃんと会えたかな・・・(私の携帯から電話してたしヾ(--;)ぉぃぉぃ) 息子の心配をして、メールを送っていたんだけど、 基本メールチェックは船では出来ないと言っていたから(有料だし) 東京でメールチェックするかな??と待っていたら、 昨日お返事が来ました 一部変えてあります。 Dear ☆☆☆☆ Family (mom, dad, and little brother), Konnichiwa! How are you? How's work, 父-san? How's school, マルちゃん-san? How's life, 母-san? Tokyo was nice, but a little too big and crowded for me. I missed the incredible warmth I experienced with you all! My first Shinkansen ride was very smooth and fast and exciting. Earlier today I took a normal train from Tokyo to Yokohama and it took one hour. On the Shinkansen that distance took just 7 minutes. Amazing! Similarly impressive was the obentou: it steamed and heated up so fast! Japan is so advanced technologically. We don't have anything like that in the US (We have a few slow, polluting trains, and microwaveable rice bowls, but not bullet trains or self cooking dinners). Overall, I'm doing great. Thanks for checking in. But I miss Japan, and am sad that my journeys to foreign countries are coming to an end for now. I especially miss you all! I had so much fun talking, playing, eating, praying, walking, biking, and bathing with you and learning so much from you about every aspect of your life and culture! Thank you so so so much for taking me in and being such a sweet welcoming family and showing me such a wonderful time. I can't wait to come back and see you again. In the mean time we'll have to keep in touch! Take care and be well. Love, Your son, アーロン 本当にSWEETでしょ。 お弁当ちゃんと温められたのね(笑) 東京でも驚きの連続だったみたいね。 アメリカの都市部から来てるのに、日本での一々が驚きなんて、 ちょっとビックリしちゃいますけど。 本当に素直ないい子なんですよ。 礼儀正しくって、人懐っこくて、優しくって。 「your son」なーんて書かれたら、もう、メロメロです(笑) さぁ、クリスマスカードの準備の季節です。 (アメリカには12月1週目あたりまで) 動かねば~~