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T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

T.M.Revolution & abingdon boys school blog

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カテゴリ:Live Report
Hi everyone. Hope you're doing well.
Today I have something nice for you to shorten your waiting time for the ABS album - and of course - our Winds-Turbo Fan Magazine Vol. 2 which will be released very soon. スマイル I have a LIVE report of the ABS performance in Zepp Tokyo one month ago. Hope you enjoy it.

July 29th Zepp Tokyo MATCH UP:

After my trip to Germany I arrived just in time to visit the MATCH UP live concert in Zepp Tokyo. Many people would call me crazy going to a concert after a 16 hour travel, but I simply had to.失敗
The MATCH UP series was a combined tour of several bands. In Tokyo, it was High and Mighty Color, Uverworld, and ABS. I got a place in the middle of the C block which was quite nice. I remembered that I was in a similar position at my first Year Count Down Party. スマイルQuite similar, the fans were extremely tensed and the pushing made it difficult to get into the rhythm at first. The Uverworld fans are really really extreme; as soon as Uver had ended their performance, there were about 7 or 8 unconscious people that needed to be pulled out of audience. びっくりWhen ABS finally appeared, I freaked out with all the other ABS fans. Our fists went up into air for one of the most powerful openings I’ve ever had: HOWLING! The hall burned with the fire Takanori had in his eyes and you could see clouds of sweat above you. All members wore the Nephilim outfit and IKUO had the HOWLING costume.ダブルハート It was the first time that the Nephilim costume was really cool and not cute. The stage setting was also very nice; there was the front part of a mini Rover where Takanori stepped on from time to time, so we could see him very well. All ABS fans sang along with Takanori and you could hear it so clearly that Takanori himself was moved by it too. The next song was “Stay away”. And I felt that everyone must have been close to suffocation due to low oxygen, heat, rumbling, pushing, yet still, we sang as loud as possible. Takanori made an unusual MC after the second song and said: “It’s alright to get wild but if everyone passed put in front of me, it’s us who are feeling very lonely. So please try to take care for each other.”うっしっし It was then that the crowd became a little bit calmer and the extreme pushing weaken a lot so that you could finally enjoy a very fine concert. ABS went on with “Nervous Breakdown” which is very popular. We started a jumping session, outstretched our arms, and cried “I know how to satisfy. I know you want me tonight. Better show me what’s inside. You cause my nervous BREAKDOWN!!!” It was a great feeling, both the fans’ and the band’s emotions drew closer and closer. (...)


Last updated  2007.08.28 13:47:39
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