Not Muscle training but Brain training
The Drills in Arithmetic for Adult who want to buitd up their brain .Nintendo was suprised that the sales of [DS training build up the brain] were up enthusiastically.Nintendo have never expected so much.That is popular with not only sinior citizun but also young people.Why does these kind of game soft popular with adult.One of the reason is...5 years ago The Long Tarm Care Insurance established in Japan Government.So every people over 40 years old pay insurance money as a tax.And we concern about many things with relations to in our old age.Lifestyle,Senile dementia , Activity of daily living ,Debiritation....We have many informations ...That's why people became to be filled with an anxiety...and also hope.I agree with the training such kind of Game and Drills, and one more.In my opinion,Walking could contribute greatly to prevent our minds from aging.;not only physically but mentally.Our mind become more clear in the middle of walking and after that.Let's keep going NORDICWALKING!脳の活性化や機能強化をうたったゲームソフトが流行。加齢への不安。。。。シニア層にのみならず若者にも。筋トレならぬ、脳トレ。NINTENDOもこんなに売れるとは。。。政府が介護保険を導入して丸5年。40歳以上の濃くみんな保険料を支払っている。そうする中、いかに老いるか、ライフスタイル、ADL(日常生活動作)認知症、についての関心が、不安が、いやいや可能性への希望が。ドリルなどによる脳トレに賛成。これに加えて、ウォーキングが老化を防止する事に寄与すると。身体的な老化予防のみならず頭のそれをも。ウォーキングの最中、後、頭がさえてくるようだ。ノルディックウォーキングをしよう!!!