夕立(My Back Pages)
今夜はディランのMy Back Pagesを聴いている あの頃 夕立の中 傘もささず 2人は俯いていた 話すこともなく 抱き合うこともなく ただ黙っていた ときおり聴こえる雷鳴 アスファルトをたたく雨音 心臓の鼓動 ずっと黙ったまま 僕らは何を見ていたのだろう 僕は君の肩越しに 向日葵の花を見ていた気がする 雨に打たれる向日葵たち 雨に震えてる僕たち あのときの僕たちには 明日がないわけじゃなかったのに なぜか明日はやってこないような そんな気がして 僕たちはずっと俯いていた 僕は 君を抱きしめたかったのに 何も喋らず ただ 君の肩越しの あの向日葵を眺めていた 激しい雨に打たれ うなだれる向日葵 震えている君の肩 やがて夕立が去り 何も語らず 僕らはただ俯いていた 高校3年の夏休み 君が居た最期の夏・・・ なんかディランの曲とはぜんぜん関係ない文章になってしまいましたが(汗//////////////////今日の晩ご飯////////////////////////// ・冷やしタンタン麺 ・大根サラダ ・餃子スープ/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Crimson flames tied through my earsRollin' high and mighty trapsPounced with fire on flaming roadsUsing ideas as my maps"We'll meet on edges , soon," said IProud 'neath heated brow.Ah , but I was so much older then ,I'm younger than that now.Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth"Rip down all hate," I screamedLies that life is black and whiteSpoke from my skull. I dreamdRomantic facts of musketeersFoundationed deep , somehow.Ah , but I was so much older then ,I'm younger than that now. Girls' faces formed the forward pathFrom phony jealousyTo memorizing politicsOf ancient historyFlung down by corpse evangelistsUnthought of , though , somehow.Ah , but I was so much older then ,I'm younger than that now.A self-ordained professor's tongueToo serious to foolSpouted out that libertyIs just equality in school"Equality," I spoke the wordAs if a wedding vow.Ah , but I was so much older then ,I'm younger than that now.In a Soldire's stance , I aimed my handAt the mongrel dogs who teachFearing not that I'd become my enemyIn the instant that I preachMy pathway led by confusion boatsMutiny from stern to bow.Ah , but I was so much older then ,I'm younger than that now. Yes , my guard stood hard when abstract threatsToo noble to neglectDeceived me into thinkingI had something to protectGood and bad , I define these termsQuite clear , no doubt , somehow.Ah , but I was so much older then ,I'm younger than that now.