朝方は 晴れていたが 午後から雲が広がり 気温も また下がり冷え込んできた。今日の 公民館・英会話サークル「L.E.E.」には 16名が集まった。まず「Food & Eeating.」の 三問の英作文に取り組んだ。"What is the most important thing ; foods,clothing or shelter ?""Needless to say,it's food. (言うまでもなく)If we don't eat for 10days we die. we don't eat for 10days we die.""Granted that,there are people who didn't eat for 20 days and survived."(そうは言っても)"If you say so, why don't you try it you'll definitely lose weight if you don't die."(そんなこと言うなら)"We are out of milk today. Instead,drink soy milk."(代わりに)"No way, I hate soy milk.""Don't get me wrong. Recently, soy milk easy to drink why don't you try milk easy to drink why don't you try?"(誤解)"OK.I'll try it with my eyes closed. I might throw up. Is it ok? eyes closed. I might throw up. Is it ok?" (目をつぶって)"Due to the heat wave,vegetable price have sky-rocketed." heat wave,vegetable price have sky-rocketed." (めっちや高い)"Recently,favtory-made vegetables are on the market.Price are stable." (市場に出回る)"In addition to that, there are no pests and rodents. So factory-made vegetables are considered health food recently." (それに加えて)"Where can we get it? Can we get it at the supermarket?"T.J先生から 添削と発音練習を教えて貰った後 例文を応用して 会話練習をした。今日も 笑い声一杯の楽しいクラスであつた。早いもので もう来週は「L.E.E. X'mas Lunch Party.」であり 今日 帰り道に「音羽茶屋」に寄って 予約をして来た。明日の予定「エアロビックス & ? 」