Art that uses old cloth 古い布を使ったアート
The meaing of calligraphy is getting enjoyment out life of long life. The picture or calligraphy in the centre is called the hyogu. The mounting, which is both decorative and also serves to protect the honshi, is called the hyogu.The cloth of this work is the one having bought it for 500-yen in the antique fair. この掛軸の布は骨董市で500円でかった品です。カリグラフィーの意味は長生きして人生を楽しむ・・・みたいな感じで書きました。家の中のある思い出の品もアイデアしだいでは後世に残るアートにも生まれ変わりますね Memento in my house became a wonderful art work depending on the idea.