My first job interview
I had my first job interview in Dubai today.I got a phone call from a recruitment agency for this interview yesterday. I stepped in the office this morning, feeling a bit nerveous. The position is more or less the same as previous one so probably that's why I got picked. The same industry. The interview went fine, in fact, very well. The job description given was exactly what I used to do!! As the time went by the tension got loosen up so I cracked some jokes..The person I met told me if I was shortlisted they would contact me some time next week for the 2nd round interview so I didn't expect to receive a call for the 2nd interview scheduled tomorrow morning. To be honest, I have a few concerns regarding employment conditions this company offers. Besides, I'm having an interview with another recruitment agency about a position on this Thursday... Well, let's think about it when I'm offered the job!! I'll cross the bridge when I come to it! ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★一昨日の夜、ブログで知り合った Cynthia 1001 さんとご対面~しました。国際線のCAさんをしている Cynthia さんと、私はロンドンのヒースロー空港で某航空会社のグランドスタッフをしていた事があったので、色々な話で盛り上がりました♪ Distance learning のコースをお互いが考えているという事はブログで読んで知っていましたがそれが同じ大学だった事が判明してビックリ!(学科は違いますが)これからもどうぞ宜しくおねがいしま~す♪