送信者 Bamboo & Chrysanthemum送信者 Bamboo & Chrysanthemum送信者 Bamboo & Chrysanthemum送信者 Bamboo & Chrysanthemum今週のてまりは朱色の竹と菊です。The Temari of this week is a vermilion bamboo and chrysanthemum. 竹は生長が早く、繁殖力も旺盛なのです。そのため子孫繁栄の象徴とされてきました。Propagative power of a bamboo is also full of growth early. Therefore, it has been considered as the symbol of posterity prosperity. また雪の重さにも耐えるので丈夫な物ともされています。Moreover, since snowy weight is also borne, it is considered also as the strong thing. 中でも赤い色の竹はおめでたいと言われてきました。It has been said that the bamboo of an especially red color is congratulately. その竹をイメージしたデザインと菊を合わせました。The design and chrysanthemum which imagined the bamboo were united. 菊は古来、長寿を願う薬と言われていました。The chrysanthemum was called medicine which wishes a long life from ancient times. このてまりの模様は子孫繁栄と長寿を願うおめでたい模様でデザインされています。The pattern of this Temari is designed by congratulately signs that posterity prosperity and a long life are wished. 模様の色の説明。Explanation of the color of a pattern. 土台は白。A foundation is white. 竹を葉をイメージしたオレンジ色のステッチ。The stitch of the orange which imagined the leaf for the bamboo. その周囲を黒の線が囲う。A black line encloses the circumference. 菊の花は紫の濃淡。The flower of a chrysanthemum is a purple shade. Size : The diameter of 10cm. 3.9 inches.Weight of a main part : 110gThread of a pattern : Silk, Gold or silver : Synthetic fiber