「この鹿一頭もっていきなはれ。ただしなんも用たしまへんけどな」わっはっはー。と、おっちゃん。「そうですかー。もっていってもいいですかーー。したら、うちの庭の雑草刈らせますぅ」と、RUU。「芝刈に最適ですわ。ただ、ほかにもなんでも食べはりますがねぇ。。。」と、おっちゃん。鹿の角切は終わった後で、また春になると生えてくるんだってね。まだ、幼い鹿の角が切り取られてる。その無い角どうしをすり合わせて2頭の鹿が力比べ?をしていたり・・・。「この間も、鹿が子供をたくさん産みましてな、、、」とおっちゃん。「え、それじゃ、ここの公園の鹿もどんどん増えますねぇ。天敵もいないのに困りませんか?」と聞くと、「いえね、天敵は車ですわ。世の中自然のことわりうまくまわるっちゅうんですかね、事故にあうのも多いでっしゃろから、数もほどほどになるんですわ」そういえば、たまにびっこをひいてる鹿もいるなー。事故が多いと言うのもよく聞く話だ。そんなはなしをしてると、また前方から鹿が直進、まっすぐにRUUをみつめて直進してくる。うわわー、そんな一直線の瞳で直進してこないで、、照れるじゃないか。うるるな瞳でさー。いや、かわいい。意外にあたまもいいのね。おせんべが無いとわかるや、すぐさま座りこんで天をあおぐ。猫みたいな鹿だ。Hello, O wild deer of the desert, where are you?Receiving most of my love and my care are you.Poetry of HafizWild DeerWhere are you O Wild Deer?I have known you for a while, here.Both loners, both lost, both forsakenThe wild beast, for ambush, have all wakenLet us inquire of each other's stateIf we can, each other's wishes consummateI can see this chaotic fieldJoy and peace sometimes won't yieldO friends, tell me who braves the dangerTo befriend the forsaken, behold the strangerUnless blessed Elias may come one dayAnd with his good office open the wayIt is time to cultivate loveIndividually decreed from aboveThus I remember the wise old manForgetting such a one, I never canThat one day, a seeker in a landA wise one helped him understandSeeker, what do you keep in your bagSet up a trap, if bait you dragIn reply said I keep a snareBut for the phoenix I shall dareAsked how will you find its signWe can't help you with your designLike the spruce become so wiseRise to the heights, open your eyesDon't lose sight of the rose and wineBut beware of your fate's designAt the fountainhead, by the riversideShed some tears, in your heart confideThis instrument won't tune to my needsThe generous sun, our wants exceedsIn memory of friends bygoneWith spring showers hide the golden sunWith such cruelty cleaved with a swordAs if with friendship was in full discordWhen flows forth the crying riverWith your own tears help it deliverMy old companion was so unkindO Pious Men, keep God in mindUnless blessed Elias may come one dayHelp one loner to another make wayLook at the gem and let go of the stoneDo it in a way that keeps you unknownAs my hand moves the pen to writeAsk the main writer to shed His lightI entwined mind and soul indeedThen planted the resulting seedIn this marriage the outcome is joyBeauty and soulfulness employWith hope's fragrant perfumeLet eternal soul rapture assumeThis perfume comes from angel's sidesNot from the doe whom men deridesFriends, to friends' worth be smartWhen obvious, don't read it by heartThis is the end of tales of adviceLie in ambush, fate's cunning and vice.