今週の土曜日は、KCSHアダルト2Aクラスのファイナルテストです。お引越しやら日本出稼ぎやらでクラスの1/3くらいは出席できなかったので、その間にみんなが学習したところを、ただいま大慌てで勉強しています。そんなこんなで試験勉強に集中しなければいけないのですけど、35 Free Online Korean Language Classes and Resourcesという韓国語学習サイト(in English)を見つけてしまい、その中にリスニングの役に立ちそうな動画サイトがいくつかあったので、自分のメモ用に貼り付けまーす。これこれ↓데이브 The World of Dave : Dave is comedy blogger who shares videos in Korean as a non-native speaker. Many of his videos are culture-related, so it’s a great source for those of you interested in learning more about the language and Korean culture.Easy Languages: I love the Easy Languages channel because it offers you a lot of local culture and context. In the Easy Language series, the hosts go out into the streets of Korea and interview the people they meet there. It’s a great way to hear the way people really speak the language, pick up useful conversational language, and practise your listening comprehension.Sweet and Tasty TV: This YouTube channel features a little bit of everything. From vlogs that showcase trips to the Korean market to short but sweet Korean lessons, Sweet and Tasty TV is a great way to learn about Korean culture and the Korean language.