まだまだ仕事はたくさん残っているが、授業は今日が最後だった。他学部の学生に頼んで集合写真も何枚か撮ってもらったのだが、ピンボケでなく、かつクラス全員が収まっている写真は一枚もない。どうしていつもこうなるのか。学生らに誘われて、学食で昼食。学食のおばちゃんから「学食は学生専用!」と言われ出入り禁止になって以来、学食で食べたのは本当に久しぶりだ。ちなみに今日のメニューは炒飯とパン。パンが主食で、炒飯はおかずなのだが具があまりない。インジェラ大好きな学生の間では、一番の不人気メニューだ。学生らがお別れ会を準備してくれているようなので、今日は簡単な挨拶に留めておいた。でも、僕が今年度の卒業アルバムに寄せた以下のメッセージが、僕が学生に言いたかったことのすべてだ。(英語の拙さはご勘弁を。)Dear Graduates,Before I came to Ethiopia, I've never expected this country is such a rich county in culture, history, religions and people. Don't forget your traditional values. They are hardly regained once they are lost. On the other hand, unfortunately, Ethiopia is poor in terms of its economy so that Ethiopia must be developed. Learn more technology and knowledge from other countries but be proud of your country! Before I came to MIT, I've never expected students of MIT are such great talents. Now, I believe you have more abilities than others. Don't use them for yourself only. Use them for your family, for your community and for your beautiful country. I expect you will be innovators for the future of Ethiopia.I'm going to leave this country now. I'm glad I could share 2 years with you. I'm sure what I've learned from you is more than what you've learned from me. Perhaps, my last job is to feed this experience back to my country where the economy has been developed but the tradition is about to be forgotten.Congratulation!I wish we see each other somehow, someday and somewhere.Junshi Yaginuma