☆スターズ♪ジャニス・イアン!(STARS / JANIS・IAN / FRANCOISE・HARDY)70年代ポップス
☆ジャニス・イアン、’74年のアルバム『スターズ~ジャニスの私小説』のタイトルナンバーで7分を越す大作『スターズ / STARS』です。ジャニスは、フランスのシャンソン歌手、エディット・ピアフの大ファンだそうで、彼女の作品の中にはシャンソン風の曲がいくつもあります。『スターズ / STARS』もそのようなシャンソン風の穏やかな曲調の曲で、ジャニスの繊細なヴォーカルがさらに曲の良さを引き立てています。ジャニス・イアンのオリジナルバージョンとフランソワーズ・アルディのフランス語カバーをセレクトしました。☆曲名をクリックすると音楽が聴けて画像も見られます。♪1、『 スターズ 』ジャニス・イアン(1974)♪2、『 スターズ 』フランソワーズ・アルディ(1977)STARSI was never one for singing, What I really feel. Except tonight I'm bringing, Everything I know that's real. Stars, they come and go. They come fast, they come slow. They go like the last light of the sun, All in a blaze. And all you see is glory. Hey, but it gets loney there, When there's no one here to share. We can shake it away, If you'll hear a story. People lust for fame, Like athletes in a game. We all break our collarbones, And come up swinging. Some of us are crowned, And some of us are downed, And some of are lost and never found. But most have seen it all. They live their lives, In sad cafes and music halls. They always come up singing. Some make it when they're young, Before the world has done it's dirty job. And later on, someone will say, "You've had your day, you must make way." But they'll never know the pain Of living with a name you never owned. Or the many years forgetting, What you know too well, That the ones who gave the crown, Have been let down. You try to make amends without defending. Perhaps pretending you never saw the eyes Of grown men of twenty-five, Who all followed as you walked, And asked for autographs, Or kissed you on the cheek. And you never could believe, They really loved you. Some make it when they're old Perhaps they have a soul They're not afraid to bare. Or perhaps there's nothing there. Stars, they come and go. They come fast, they come slow. They go like the last light of the sun, All in a blaze. And all you see is glory. But those who've seen it all. Live out their lives, In sad cafes and music halls. They always have a story. Some women have a body, Men will want to see. So they put it on display. And some people play a fine guitar. I could listen to them play all day. Same ladies really move across a stage, And, gee, they sure can dance. Well, I guess I could learn how, If I gave it half a chance. But I always feel so funny When my body tries to soar. And I always seem to worry, About missing the next chord. So, I guess there isn't anything, To put out on display. Except the tunes, And whatever else I say. And anyway, that isn't really, What I meant to say. I just meant to tell a story. And I live from day to day. Stars, they come and go. They come fast, they come slow. They go like the last light of the sun, All in a blaze. And all you see is glory. But those who've seen it all, Live out their lives, In sad cafes and music halls. We always have a story. So, if you don't lose patience, With my fumbling around, I'll come up singing for you, Even when I'm down. STARje n' sais pas toujours d?criretout ce que je sensmais ce soir j'aim'rais diredes choses que je sais vraimentstar, devenir starc'est une belle histoire?toile d'une nuit, lumi?re d'un soirqui vient qui parton n'en voit que la gloirele reste n'int?resse personnesi vous voulez j'abandonnej'ai un peu le cafardje vous ennuie peut-?treon arrive sur sc?necomme des lions dans l'ar?neon n' vous fait pas d' cadeauxon d?fend sa peau,certains sont siffl?sd'autres consacr?scertains ne s'en remettent jamaisde bons aux mauvais r?leson passe sa vie dans des bars tristesdes music-hallsce n'est pas toujours dr?leles uns marchent trop vitesans avoir eu le temps d'apprendr' ? vivreet quand leur mode est pass?eils sont jet?s, balay?s, class?s mais savez-vous ce que c'estque porter un nom qui n'est plus ? soiet le temps qu'il faut pour accepter la v?rit?ceux qui vous avaient adul?eont oubli?quand on ne leur plait pluson a tout perduet comment fairepour oublier les yeuxdes hommes jeunes ou vieuxqui ?taient ? vos piedsle temps d'une soir?eleurs fleurs et leurs billetsauxquels on ne croyait jamais tout ? faitles autres marchent plus tardmais trop de faux espoirsles ont aigris un peu