☆アメリカのニューヨークタイムズが「2023年に行くべき52カ所」を発表し、ロンドンに続く2番目に岩手県の盛岡市が選ばれた。ニューヨークタイムズは毎年、独自の情報を元に旅行先を紹介していて、12日に「2023年に行くべき52カ所」が発表され、イギリスの首都ロンドンに続き、2番目に盛岡市が選ばれた。「大正時代に建てられた和洋折衷建築や、現代的なホテルのほか伝統的な旅館もある。城跡も公園になっていて、歩いて楽しめる街」と評価している。また、東京から新幹線で数時間で行ける便利さや山に囲まれ、川が流れる風景を紹介し「完全に見落とされてきた街」と、盛岡を再評価する内容になっている。さらに、名物の「わんこそば」やコーヒー豆にこだわった喫茶店など、食についても紹介した。Until this past October, Japan maintained some of the most stringent travel restrictions of any major country. Now, travelers are beginning to stream back to popular destinations like Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka.A walkable gem without the crowds, just a short bullet train ride from Tokyo.The city of Morioka, in Iwate Prefecture, however, is often passed over or outright ignored. Circumscribed by mountains, it lies a few hours north of Tokyo by Shinkansen, the Japanese high-speed rail lines. Morioka’s downtown is eminently walkable. The city is filled with Taisho-era buildings that mix Western and Eastern architectural aesthetics as well as modern hotels, a few old ryokan (traditional inns) and winding rivers. One draw is an ancient castle site turned into a park.There’s also fantastic coffee, including one of Japan’s third-wave originators: Nagasawa Coffee, whose owner, Kazuhiro Nagasawa, is so committed to his beans that he uses a vintage German-made Probat roaster, which he personally imported and restored. Azumaya serves up all-you-can-eat wanko soba, which comes served in dozens of tiny bowls; Booknerd offers classic Japanese art books; and Johnny’s, a jazz cafe, has been open for over 40 years. An hour west by car: Lake Tazawa and dozens of world-class hot springs.— Craig Mod■NEW YORK TIMES 『52 Places to Go in 2023』