as I run, the easier it becomes.I feel lighter and lighter.as I run, breathing becomes more and more comfortable, my entire body relaxes and my legs are more supple and soft.All of my joints disappear.My entire body turns into a strong yet flexible spring. I start to glide through the air with ease, as If I am flying. A sense of joy subtly permeates the entire being and I realize that everything around me is a friendly helper.Subtle, and small, but all are there to assist me in friendly ways. The trees, the trail, rocks and pebbles, each blade of grass, all the plants and living things, the air, the wind, the water in the streams and ponds, everything reaches out joyfully with the intent to help me run more comfortably.I am aware of the help, and gladly receive them with open heart.Running becomes much lighter and easier, smoother.I am a wind._________本文を一度まとめるだけ。ワンワードキー連鎖。一瞬のセルフヒプノで刷り込み完了。所要時間3秒。他人へはやらんが自己完結型のセルフヒプノは使い込ん出るんでかなり高度になってる。本文は既に経験してる事だから無理無いし、だから楽(笑)。でも肉体的な差はその瞬間から出る。セルフヒプノ直後に走ったら効果大だった。ネタバレになるのかな。。肉体改造計画成功の裏には、開始前約三年間積み重ねたセルフヒプノ入ってるしね(開始トリガーのキッカケは潜在意識に完全に任せたから何時発動するか私には解らなかったけど)。まぁ、催眠術ってのは使えるツール。瞑想とはカンっぜん!に逆方向/反対なんで本来なら相容れないメソッドなんだが、「矛盾≠矛盾」という事で気にしなければOKなのさ。