部屋の片づけ To clear up the mess.
2月26日(金)の夜は自治会長会議、27日(土)の夜は組会議、28日(日)の午前中は道に並べる菜の花用プランターに菜の花の植え替え作業、午後は組長会議があり今やっと一連の自治会業務が一段落したところである。それらの会議の資料作りなどで忙しかったので、部屋の中は散らかしっぱなしだ。これから身に染みてかたずけをしようと思う。Feb.26 (Friday) night, meeting of local Chairman, at 27 (Saturday) night wasoperated the pair meeting, at 28 (Sunday) in the morning we worked toreplant the rape to the planter for the purpose of setting on the road, andhad the leader meeting in the afternoon, now finally I settled the series ofautonomous operations. As I was very busy making materials for thosemeetings, l have leaved a mess in the room. I will absorb to clear up themess now.