How to keep company with each partner?
Today is national holiday, but I have come to the hospital as the duty of day and night. As I can't come home till tomorrow night, my wife prepared for me the underwear, Ripovitan D and snack foods, although she is against me to undertake the duty.An ex-husband injured his ex-wife and killed her mother in Hokkaido several weeks before. An ambulance car brought us a man who spent a night in the freezing woods several days before. He quarreled with his wife and entered to the woods in those cold winter season to kill himself.Even though they are a couple, each one's character or liking is absolutely different seeing also our relation. We quarrel with each other sometimes. But if you have the idea that such different is natural, you will develop the quarrel to an irretrievable big one.Two great events above happened because they didn't understand that the character of person is absolutely different even between the couple.