医者の卵が今年もやってきた, Doctor eggs came this year as well.
9月5日から本日まで2グループに分かれて2日ずつ山梨大学医学部1年生が主として看護師業務を学ぶための実習にやってきた。この実習は看護師業務を主に学ぶ実習だが私はこの実習が始まって以来、約10年間医師として指導担当をしてきた。本日2日間の研修終了者との反省会をもったが、毎年のことながら若き彼らの感想を聞いて心強く思った。看護師は24時間患者のそばにいて面倒をみている大変な業務だが誰も疲れて暗い顔をしていないで笑顔で対応しており感心したという感想もあった。彼らもあと6年の学生時代と5年間の研修医を加えて11年間勉強すると1人前の医師になる。その時に今回の研修が様々な職種(看護師、薬剤師、検査技師、放射線技師、理学療法士、事務職等)の方々の仕事の理解やチームワーク構築に役立ってくれればと願う。From September 5th to today, 2 groups of first day students of YamanashiUniversity School of Medicine came to practice two days mainly to learn nursing workpractice.Although nursing practice training is the main focus of this practice, Ihave been in charge of a doctor to teach them for about 10 years since thispractice started.Today we had a reflection meeting with the students who finished thetraining for two days and I was encouraged to hear their fresh thoughts asevery year. Some student told “Although the nurse was a serious worklooking after a patient for 24 hours and there was a thought that everyonewas tired, but they did not face a dark and responded with a smile, so Iadmired much”.They also become a doctor of one year when studying for 11 years with a 6year student and a 5-year intern trainee. At that time, I hope that thistraining will be useful for understanding the work of various people(nurses, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, radiologists,physiotherapists, clerical officials, etc.) and building teamwork.