出来すぎだと思う。立派過ぎて、別次元だと思う。兄弟のご両親様の素養がこの二人を支えているのだろう。私には、到底及ばないことだ。子の幸福度は、「障害の軽い、重い」よりも、「親の素養と経済力」が左右するのだと思う。長男よ、立派過ぎる兄に成らなくていいです。まずは、自分がしたいように、気持ちが良いように、生活してください。自閉症の兄と、その弟が織りなすVTRに思わずホロリ/「兄は親友、僕に大切なことを教えてくれるかけがえのない人」 What it's like to have a Brother with Autism. 公開日: 2013/01/17 Hey guys, here with a short video I made about what it is like for me to have an older brother with autism, I hope you enjoy it and see how blessed I am to have Mitchel as my brother. I love him to death and I want everyone to see how awesome our bond is!*note, every case of autism is different some more severe than others, not every autistic person is like my brother. This video speaks on behalf of my personal relationship with my brother.If any of you want to contact me or have any questions feel free to e-mail me at timmesc@dukes.jmu.edu I want to hear your stories about knowing someone with autism!The song used in this video is Always Gold by Radical Face, the song somewhat inspired me to make this video because it speaks of a tight lifelong bond between two brothers