花の鉢替え。アネモネなど5種。とりかかる前に倉庫を見ると、不足の用品が多く、急遽買い出しに園芸店に自転車を駆った。鉢の底石。赤玉土。腐葉土。酸度調整済みピートモス。油かす。苦土石灰。リン酸分の多い緩行化成肥料。液体肥料。ついでに多年草半耐寒性の小さな花の苗を一鉢。 ・・・自転車の荷台に積むのはたいへんだったが、春を待つ心である。ハハハハ。 きょうの富士山は青く煙ったようだった。 Flower pot change. 5 kinds such as anemone.When I looked at the warehouse before I started, I found that there were many shortages of supplies, so I hurriedlyrushed to the gardening store to buy one. The bottomstone of the pot. Red ball soil. Humus. Acidity adjustedpeat moss. Oil residue. Magnesium lime. Slow chemicalfertilizer with high phosphoric acid content. Liquidfertilizer. In addition, a pot of small flower seedingsthat are perennial and semi-cold resistant ... It wasdifficult to load it on the bicycle carrier, but I am wait-ing for spring. Hahahaha. Mt. Fuji today seemed to smoke blue.