きょう1月15日は〈上元〉、すなわち正月の最終日。東京は、おそらく昭和になってからだと思うが、7日を「松納め」と称してこの日をもって正月の終りとしている。我家でも7日の夜に松飾りを納めた。しかし地方によっては昔ながらの伝統で14日年越しと称して注連飾りを除き、15日を正月終い、すなわち上元としている処もあるかもしれない。 そして15日を〈小正月〉と言い、〈小豆正月(あるいは小豆粥正月)〉と言って、各家庭で小豆粥を食す。この小豆粥を三日後までたくわえて温めて食すと、疫病を免れるという俗信があった。また粥杖と称した柳の枝で女性の腰を叩くと、男の子を妊娠するという信仰もあった。 さて、そんな伝統や俗信を踏まえているのではまったくないが、我家ではやはり昔からこの日に小豆を食すならいである。ただし小豆粥ではない。小豆汁粉である。きょうの昼食は、とりおいた正月用の餅を入れて「善哉しるこ」にした。はたしてCOVID-19を祓うことができるかどうか・・・ 明日死ぬる命めでたし小豆粥 虚子 小豆粥あまさも塩の引き出かな 青穹(山田維史) Today January 15th is 〈Jhōgen〉, that is, the last dayof the New Year. I think it was after the Shōwa era in Tokyo, but the 7th is called "Matsu-osamé" and this isthe end of the New Year. Even at my house, I removedthe pine decoration on the night of the 7th. However,in some regions, according to the old tradition, the14th is called Jūyokka-Toshikoshi (The crossing the New Year in 14th), and the 15th is the New Year, that is, Jhōgen. And the 15th is called 〈Koshōgatsu (Small New Year)〉and〈Adzuki shōgatsu (Azuki beans New Year),and each family eats adzuki bean porrige. There was apopular belief that if you store this adzuki bean por-ridge until three days later, warm it and eat it, youwill be spared the plague. There was also a belief thatif a woman's waist was hit with a willow branch calledAdzukizué (a porridge-cane), she would become preg-nant a boy. Well, It's not based on such traditions and popularbeliefs at all, but at my home, my family have always been to eat adzuki beans on this day. However, it is not adzuki bean porridge. It is Azuki-shiruko (red bean soup). Today's lunch was made into "Zenzai-shiruko"with the rice cakes which have been stored from theday of New Year. Whether COVID-19 can be exterminated ...【Haiku】 Asu shinuru inochi medetashi azukigayu Adzuki porridge that was ordered to die tomorrow, but life auspicious By Kyoshi Takahama Azukigayu amasa mo shio no hikide kana Adzuki porridge Sweetness has also drawn with a little salt 's efforts By Tadami YamadaTadami Yamada