レジ袋の有料化 Charge for shopping bags
3男が4月から一人暮らしを始めた。彼はためたレジ袋を持って帰ってくる。2回目だから、約1か月分になるのか。ものすごい量。ほとんどがおにぎりが2個くらい入るような超小さい袋。 うちは猫の下の始末に使用出来て助かる。でも、7月からはレジ袋は有料になっているので、こうは行かないだろう。猫の汚物や生ごみは、レジ袋が無くなったら、どう始末すればよいのだろうか。The third man started living alone in April. He comes home with a lot of shopping bags. The second time he brought them, the plastic bag is the amount he used in a month. A tremendous amount. Most of them are very small bags that can hold about two rice balls. We are happy to use it as a dumping place for cat poop. But since July, there is a charge for plastic shopping bags, so this is unlikely to happen. What should be done to dispose of cat waste and food waste when the shopping bags are gone?