雨の朝、玄関前で見たもの What I saw in front of the entrance on a rainy morning
今朝の空 小雨が降ったりやんだりしていた It was raining and stopping今年初めて植えたタイタンビスカスのつぼみが膨らんできている The buds of Titan viscous that I planted for the first time this year are swellingパンジーにツマグロヒョウモンチョウの1齢の幼虫 There was a first-instar larva of the butterfly in the pansiesパンジーの種が出来ていたPansy seeds were made昨日のラミーカミキリムシの雄が居たThere was a Lamy beetle male that was there yesterday雨の中で、みんな元気に生きていましたEverybody lived well in the rain